Mass Chip Flashing

mass production script screenshot
The current version of the shell script is designed to organize an automated, repeatable process of programming several identical target systems using a unified extension board. The operator controls the process by pressing a button or foot switch connected to this board. Color indicators on the extension board inform the operator about the current operation status. It is possible to connect headphones to organize voice information for the operator.

Using any application from "Program and script packages for working with target systems" is possible.
ADF foot switch
ADF Raspberry Pi headset
The current version of the shell script is designed to organize an automated, repeatable process of programming several identical target systems using a unified extension board. The operator controls the process by pressing a button or foot switch connected to this board. Color indicators on the extension board inform the operator about the current operation status. It is possible to connect headphones to organize voice information for the operator.

Using any application from "Program and script packages for working with target systems" is possible.
A configuration text file is used to pre-configure the programmer in mass-production mode.
Example of a configuration file:
PROG='sudo avrdude -p attiny13 -c pcbadf0 -U flash:w:vacu.hex:i'
OK_STRING="avrdude: [0-9]{5} bytes of flash verified"
The first line defines writing the program to the microcontroller:
sudo = superuser privileges are required to successfully access the microcomputer's I/O ports
avrdude = application for programming the AVR controller
attiny13 = microcontroller view
pcbadf0 = extension board pin set
flash = type of microcontroller memory where the program is flashed to
vacu.hex = microcontroller program

The second line defines the value for searching (grep) the control console message. It determines the success of the programming operation.
In this way, an extensive range of microcontroller and FPGA applications can be automated to perform the necessary actions and control the output information.

In the future, we intend to create a GUI with a simple selection of target device types, program files, and output information templates to facilitate and speed up work and reduce possible errors during initial configuration.