DIY electronics

The Cheapest and Simplest Audiophile Headphone Amp

The Cheapest and Simplest Audiophile Headphone Amp

A cost-effective, compact amp using the NE5532 op-amp, providing clean, high-quality audio for headphones and as a buffer with gain in audio systems. It avoids the complexity of tube and transistor amps.

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How does logic work? CD4060 Binary Counter

How does logic work? CD4060 Binary Counter

Many of us program microcontrollers and know that counters and timers are important parts of them. But not everyone remembers that they are also produced in the form of separate ICs, and once upon a time counters were assembled using flip-flops and logic elements.

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DIY ProCo RAT: The True Vintage Distortion Pedal

DIY ProCo RAT: The True Vintage Distortion Pedal

Welcome to my guitar effects workshop! This scheme is already 46 years old. If you want tons of vintage mojo, you should consider assembling of this guitar pedal.

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PWM LED dimmer

PWM LED dimmer

Let's assemble a completely analog PWM LED brightness controller using four operational amplifiers and figure out why PWM is needed and what it is.

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How does binary logic work? Shift registers

How does binary logic work? Shift registers

What do you do when the controller doesn't have many pins to connect buttons, indicators, relays, etc.?

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Marshall Guv`nor: a Pedal that sounds like a Tube Stack

Marshall Guv`nor: a Pedal that sounds like a Tube Stack

When it comes to clean guitar tone, we all think of Fender amps. And the overdriven sound is, of course, Marshall. Can a small transistor pedal replace a real tube amp? - Let's try and listen!

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VGA videocard for microcontrollers. Part 2

VGA videocard for microcontrollers. Part 2

In this second part, we'll examine how to transform a successfully prototyped idea into a physical product. Several key aspects need to be reconsidered.

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VGA videocard for microcontrollers. Part 1

VGA videocard for microcontrollers. Part 1

Sometimes, when making your own devices on microcontrollers, there is a need to display huge amounts of information on a display and to use a bigger screen for ease of perception. Unfortunately, there are no ready-made and budget-friendly solutions for this task on the market.

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DIY single transistor reflex AM radio with regeneration and AGC

DIY single transistor reflex AM radio with regeneration and AGC

To make a good AM radio, one transistor is enough. It can amplify both radio frequency and audio signal. It is called a reflex circuit, and it shows excellent results.

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Regency TR-1 superheterodyne transistor radio

Regency TR-1 superheterodyne transistor radio

It was the very first all-transistor commercial radio in the United States and in the world. How much have circuits and enclosure designs changed in 69 years?

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